Our Product Types

We believe in innovative and creative learning and teaching. Select from our category of products and solutions or contact us for more information, we would love to hear from you.

Robotic Kit

Select from our wide range of robotic form factors with onboard sensors and modules supporting global leading coding programs and controllers.


Applied Learning Solution

Our thematic Robotic Educational Solution are complete with accessories, props and programs for authentic and practise-oriented learning.


Advanced Robotic

Complete with complex maneuvering capabilities, our robots are program-ready for advance learners to further refine programming skills and modification.






Hiwonder provide innovative products and solutions for STEAM education and makers globally.

Our products and services include development of software, hardware and comprehensive curriculum designed for different level of ages and for robotic competitions. With over 40 technical patents and developed hundreds of open source hardware and educational robotics such us intelligent bionic robot, desktop robotic arm, IoT kit, Artificial Intelligence robotic etc, Hiwonder products and solutions are sold in over 80 countries, 2000 schools and institutions and used by over 300,000 teachers and students for STEAM education.



Lets Connect

If you have enquiries on our products and services, reach out to us by completing the form or send your email to


Thank you.


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